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This situation demands seeking the number of choices of Islamic economics in alleviating poverty. Desire to of poverty alleviation can be obtained, in a Islamic Financial process through lowering the inequality. It never indicates attaining equality but equity and justice in the money and wealth distribution. Islam eliminates the pelatihan islami absolute inequality which arises from unequal circulation of income, but relative inequality emerges from equitable distribution of money and wealth.

First part of this article has provided a tiny release to both conventional economics and Islamic economics. Then it provides a photo of poverty of current world and Islamic perspective of poverty. Then Islamic economics tools to ease poverty such as zakat, sadaqa, qard hasan, ganima, khums, fay, jizya, mudaraba, musharaka, prohibition of fascination, abolition of extravaganza, prohibition of speculation and hoarding have been stated in briefly. Effect of Islamic economic tools on limited tendency to eat, multiplier, price expense and manufacturing have already been worked with.

The publications and articles I introduced for this information are Dr. Dr.Sabahuddin Azmi's Islamic Economics, S. M. Hasanuzzaman's Economic purpose of an Islamic state (The early experience), Towards understanding the economic system of Islam written by Dr.P Ibrahim and Release to the economic process by Moulavi.M.V.Saleem.

No one can undermine the significance of economics which is really a social research that studies the production, circulation, deal and consumption of goods and services. That really significance of economics led to emergence of various financial techniques on the planet and all those financial techniques state that they can fetch economic welfare. Those owning and distinguished financial system's failure to complete economic justice, prosperity, the eradiation of the inequality and poverty make essential an alternative solution financial process which can properly produce a starvation free and poverty free world.

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