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Investments forchildren: what are the best options?


Thearrival of a child is a time of great emotion and doubts about the child'sfuture. Therefore, we have separated some investment options for you who are thinking about the future of your children. 

Savemoney to guarantee the studies of the little ones, make an exchange to learn anew language or pay for college. There are countless reasons to worry about ensuring a little financial tranquility ahead. 

It isquite common to see parents making a reservation of money for the child throughclassic savings or Private Pension. It says to us: do you know someone who opened a savings account when their son was born? 

However,these two assets are not the only ones. Keep following the article tolearn about other investment options for your children! 


Let'sstart by talking about an investment that is the gateway for many Brazilians -savings. In Brazil, throughout 2019, total net funding was R $ 13.3 billion, according to data from the Central Bank. 

It isimportant to say that savings have one of the lowest fixed income yields, andtoday it yields 70% of the basic interest rate of the economy, known as the SelicRate,fixed at 3% per year by the Monetary Policy Committee (Copom) in the last meeting in May 2020. 

Evenwith a low profitability, it can be an option to save a monthly amount thinkingabout the child's future. In addition to creating the habit of saving every month. 

One ofthe advantages of saving is that it is exempt from income tax andhas the protection of the Credit Guarantee Fund (FGC). strives to be Pakistan's biggest real estate developerever, guaranteeing the highest international standards, prompt execution, andlifetime customer loyalty. With projects  


Thereare several options for securities to invest in Tesouro Direto ,each with its own characteristics. Depending on the child's age group, oreven the application goal, a title may be more interesting. 

SelicTreasury: securities whose yields are pegged to the Selic Rate; 

PrefixedTreasury: securities with fixed interest rates at the time of purchase; 

IPCA +Treasury: has a variable interest rate, linked to the variation of theIPCA. This option is ideal for the long term, as there are bonds maturing in 2045. 

Likesavings, this is a risky neighborhood investment, since government bonds are aform of government loan. They are also guaranteed by the FGC. 


Theword PrivatePension maysound like retirement at first sight, right? In part, yes, but some banksoffer pension plans aimed at children. Regarding the redemption, there are several options, being possible to withdraw everything at once. 

It isworth mentioning that two types of private pension plans: PGBL andVGBL. The difference between them is that, in the Free Benefit Generating Plan (PGBL), it is possible to deduct contributions from the income tax calculation base in the annual adjustment statement. 


CDBstands for Bank Deposit Certificate. It is nothing more than a loan youmake to a bank and, after the defined period, you will receive the amount plus interest. 

Thereare CDBs with terms that can vary from 1 to 7 years. The longer the term,the higher the profitability. Thus, you can align the objective to how long you want to wait for the rescue. 

Thereare two types of CDB: pre-and post-fixed. In the preset, you already knowwhat profitability you will receive in the future. In the post-fixed period, it depends on the indexer - such as the CDI. In addition, the CDB has FGC protection for investments up to the limit of R $ 250 thousand per CPF and per financial institution, up to the global limit of R $ 1 million every 4 years. 


Thereare several options for investment funds, such as fixed income, equities andmultimarkets. In this form of investment, people invest their money and do not need to worry so much because there is a specialized manager to choose the papers to buy. However, this form of investment is not protected by the FGC. 

Discoversome of the investment fund options: 

FixedIncome Funds: They are composed of several fixed income assets, such as CBDs,LCI, LCA, government bonds and debentures. 

ForeignExchange Funds: These are investments in foreign currency. The most usedare the dollar and euro. 

RealEstate Funds: Known as FIIs, they are investments in the real estate sectorwhere you start to have small parts of real estate and receive monthly payments of their rent. 

EquityFunds: It consists mainly of variable income assets. 

MultimarketFunds: They are composed of several fixed and variable income assets. 


Finally,stocks can also be one of the investment options for children. It may seembold, but in the United States, for example, this culture of investing in the stock market is quite common. 

Thistype of investment requires more knowledge of the financial market and themovements of the economy. On the other hand, if you are looking to diversify and make bigger gains in the long run, you can start by investing small amounts. 

Rememberthat crises are common, but in periods of more than 10 years, the stock marketalways tends to rise. 

A tipis to try to know the history of the company you intend to invest in: if it hasexperienced difficulties or if it has been showing good results every year. 

Alliedto all these investment options for children comes financial planning. Oncethe budget is set, regularly set aside an amount for this purpose for thechildren's future.